In December 2015, Android Studio as the official IDE in developing app Android have release new version Android Studio v.1.5.1. Whereas one month earlier in November 2015 has already released Android Studio v1.5.0. Of course, the release of the latest version to fix some bugs in previous versions. Because the latest version alwasy offer a bug fix and update new features, it make us to try it by installing new version. For android developer who had already installed the previous version Android Studio, no need uninstall and then install the latest version from beginning. We just do an updating from the current version of Android Studio in our PC.
To perform the update, just click on the Help >> select Check for Updates window that will appear as Fig.1 below:
In Fig.1 we see that there is new version of Android Studio v1.15.1 , if you want to update just click the button of Update and Restart. Firstly it download patch file as shown by Fig.2 :
After patch file successfully downloaded, next step it validates installation (Fig.3) and applying patch file (Fig.4) :
After the process of applying the patch file is completed, the process of updating from previous version to the latest version of android studio has been completed and Android Studio will restart.
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